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ATV sprayer system allows the operator controlled spraying patterns without leaving the seat. These sprayers are ideal for commercial, agricultural or even domestic use.
Comes with quick attach wiring harness & straps.
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The Enduraspray 60 litre Pro Series ATV Quad Sprayer, otherwise known as a Quad Sprayer, is a heavy duty sprayer designed for easy mounting onto an ATV or four wheeler. The unique design of the ATV sprayer system allows the operator to control the spraying pattern without leaving his seat providing thorough and adjustable spray coverage. Available with an optional boom-less nozzle and boom kits.
Popular uses include:
- Elimination of insects and diseases around trees, orchards and fence rows
- Control of weeds on verges and central reservations
- Ideal for commercial, agricultural and domestic use
- Local Authority and school playing fields, gardens and parks
- Market gardens and green house applications
- Equestrian, golf courses and grounds keeping spraying
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